Monday, March 21, 2011

What I've been Up to.

So this year I went on record that I wanted to climb 180 days. As of today, I'm on track.

Though climbing 21 days out of a possible 26 in Fontainebleau didn't do wonders to my body.

Some people out in TV land were saying that it's about quality not quantity, to those people I say, "Have you ever had a bad day in Font?" I mean come on man. This isn't Bishop we're talking about here people. This is the single greatest climbing area on earth.

Anyways back to my ailing body. As it stands now my hip flexor feels destroyed, both biceps are screaming from tendonitis, left shoulder feels like it's now two extra feet away from my neck, and both calfs feel like my Achilles tendons are going to snap.

That said I have a play date at the gym here in forty five minutes. Got to keep the dream alive.

Well this trip to Font left me humbled, Life lesson never go on a trip with a guy who will flash every single one of your projects. I mean for some people this would be ok. But for someone who is as competitive as I am, this can be a tad tough...

Well I sent somethings did a bunch of problems avoid slipping on too many condoms and came away with what I think is better footwork, which remains to be seen.

You can check out some photos on my flickr account which is linked at the bottom on this page. Here's a hot video of a few problems I saw and didn't come close to trying. More updates to come I promise. I couldn't really update this blog on my Iphone.
