I wonder if anyone out there knows anything about climbing fitness. I find I'm only good for three tries on any problem in a day. Then I feel exhausted. I mean shouldn't I be able to climb longer then that? So any of you rock superstars know any tricks, scams or drugs to increase my rock stamina.
The 30 day V7 project is proving difficult. I finally did ATD, then proceed to get shut down by the Hummer Traverse and Golden Boy. I fell off the top of Golden Boy 5 times and fall past the crux of the Hummer traverse twice.
This brings me back to my above question, how do I keep climbing longer?
Or does anyone know some three move problems I can look good on?
Have you trying some quality blow? You might even try speed, there is nothing like a heart beat rate of over 300 per minute. Or you could always take a page outta Sergent Bro and use good old fashion steroids brewed from our local horse piss containing the healthiest of estrogen...
I'm glad to hear your finally taking your heath seriously..
I don't think you realize how seriously I take climbing...
Okay maybe not all that serious.
However my good friend Meshcat was telling me of a study done on world-class athletes where they were asked if they would take a drug where they would win every event they entered and didn't get caught, but in five years they'd die. Would they do it. And over 70% of them said yes.
try climbing on a rope for once
I tried climbing a rope once when I was around 10. I took a yellow nylon rope from my garage and tied it to my bed then hung it out my bedroom window. Then proceeded to jump out my three story window while holding the rope. I slide down the rope at maximum speed and slammed into the garden below. Where my dear older brother laughed and told me to run cold water on my hands to stop the pain from the rope burn.
I haven't been inclined to climb on ropes since.
Matt is that you in the photo?? Looks awesome!
...And nice job on the V7 project by the way!
ask me about this next time i see you. i have some ideas for you.
Maybe you're getting old. Just kidding, you're so young...at heart.
On a more serious note, how about longer breaks in between attempts and stretch and massage the forearms and fingers?? Work for me.
Or maybe you should just suck it up and pull harder.
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